Mortal Instruments Fans Prepare Yourselves – City of Heavenly Fire is Coming

By: Cynthia Ayala

The Mortal Instruments is a book saga that has enchanted hundreds of readers. Following one Clary as she discovers just who she is and the power she has, has been hidden from her for years. Now, 5 books later, Clary is a Shadowhunter. She has discovered secrets about herself, secrets about her power and found a brother who is ready to make the world burn.

The official synopsis of the novel is:


I am coming.

Darkness returns to the Shadowhunter world. As their society falls apart around them, Clary, Jace, Simon and their friends must band together to fight the greatest evil the Nephilim have ever faced: Clary’s own brother. Nothing in the world can defeat him — must they journey to another world to find the chance? Lives will be lost, love sacrificed, and the whole world changed in the sixth and last installment of the Mortal Instruments series!

Additional, what Clare had to tease about the book is that there will be “a death of a major character really early on in the book…and there are two weddings”.

A death! Needless to say, that’s frightful, especially after everything this band of young fighters has gone through in the past several books.

But let’s return to book talk.

Much of the novel has been kept under wraps, while very little [true] spoilers have actually released, allowing readers to really be surprised when they pick up this novel in a few days. As the novel is a guarded secret, readers can only speculate who the death will be and which lovely couples will finally be getting hitched. On both accounts, the possibilities are endless.

Additionally, earlier this week a book trailer was released. Check it out right here and don’t’ forget to read that excerpt:


City of Heavenly Fire

City of Heavenly Fire
The Mortal Instruments
Book Six
Cassandra Clare

Diana gave her a measured look and ducked down behind the counter. She came up a moment later with a sword about the length of Clary’s forearm. “What do you think of this?”

Clary stared at the weapon. It was undoubtedly beautiful. The cross-guard, grip, and pointe pommel were gold encased with obsidian, the blade a silver so dark it was nearly black.

“It’s a shortsword. You might want to look at the other side,” said Diana, and she flipped the sword over. On the opposite side of the blade, down the center ridge, ran a pattern of black stars.

“Oh.” Clary’s heart thumped painfully; she took a step away and nearly bumped in to Jace, who had come up behind her, frowning. “That’s a Morgenstern sword.”

“Yes, it is.” The sword-seller’s eyes were shrewd. “Long ago the Morgensterns commissioned two blades from Wayland the Smith—a matched set. You have doubtless seen the larger blade already, for Valentine Morgenstern carried it, and now his son carries it after him.”

“You know who we are,” Jace said. It wasn’t a question. “Who Clary is.”

“The Shadowunter world is small,” said Diana, and she looked from one of them to the other. “I’m on the Council. I’ve seen you give testimony, Valentine’s daughter.”

Clary looked doubtfully at the blade. “I’ve seen two men bear the larger version of that sword, and I hated them both. There are no Morgensterns in this world now who are dedicated to anything but evil.”

Jace said, “There’s you.”

“I’ll give it to you,” said Diana. “You’re right that people hate the Morgensterns; it’s not the sort of item I could sell elsewhere. Or would necessarily want to. It should go to good hands.”

“I don’t want it,” Clary said.

“If you flinch from it, you give it power over you,” said Diana. “Take it, and cut your brother’s throat with it, and reclaim the honor of your blood.”

City of Heavenly Fire comes out May 27 (Ah!). Coinciding with the books release, Cassandra Clare will be touring the United States for the book’s release.

Who’s excited?

Source: Entertainment Weekly, TMI Source

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