Weekly Reading List #60

By Cynthia Ayala

Hey there avid readers! I hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Lots of reading this weekend for homework, which is going to be tons of fun. Well, one of the books for class, A Writers Book of Cures and Spells by Marcia Johnson, it’s not that it’s bad, but it is hard to read because it’s written in such an unfamiliar way. It’s very different and has a strong way of lulling the reader, which isn’t bad but it definitely is a good story to read to relax the mind, but it’s not easy to read. Then I have Borges Labyrinths, I’m liking it so far, it’s all the supplemental reading I’m not looking forward to, reading essays, not really my thing, but maybe I’ll be surprised and I’ll find them interesting.

But other than school work, because I would die if that was all I had to read, here’s my reading list for the week to keep my brain functioning. Happy reading!
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