Colorful, Adventurous, but Poorly Written | Review of ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’

By Cynthia Ayala

Alice Through the Looking Glass starring Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Helena Bonham Carter & Anne Hathaway
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
Image Credit: IMDB

Alice returns to the whimsical world of Wonderland and travels back in time to help the Mad Hatter.


Another vibrant whimsical film following Alice (Mia Wasikowska) through Wonderland and Time in order to save her best friend, The Mad Hatter. Why? Because he Mad Hatter has gone Mad, and not in a good way…or so everyone thinks. This leads Alice through an adventure of time travel, but Time (Sacha Baron Cohen) warned her that she cannot change the past, only learn from it.
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A Beautiful Twist on an Old Tale | Cyn’s Review of ‘Maleficent’

By: Cynthia Ayala

Disney has brought to life one of their most successful Disney films, but have made a twist to bring it to life. Following the journey of Maleficent, starring Angelina Jolie, viewers will be awed at the cinematography and her representation of one of a classic Disney villain who may not be the villain we all know.

Continue reading “A Beautiful Twist on an Old Tale | Cyn’s Review of ‘Maleficent’”