A Treasure of Cinematic Pleasure | Review: The Grand Budapest Hotel

By: Cynthia Ayala

The Grand Budapest Hotel is a cinematic pleasure that brings a cast of wonderful stars together and conveys a deep emotional moment within all the humor.  Read on for the full review.

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The Fantastic Four To Start Testing Actors Before The End Of The Month

By: Eric Eisenberg After years of delays and rewrites, director Josh Trank’s upcoming The Fantastic Four reboot is finally ready to get on its feet. X-Men: Days of Future Past co-writer Simon Kinberg has completed the latest version of the script, and now Variety reports that the production will start testing actors before the end of the month – which another way of saying “in … Continue reading The Fantastic Four To Start Testing Actors Before The End Of The Month

The Host

Director: Andrew Niccol Screenplay: Andrew Niccol Based on: The Host by Stephenie Meyer Starring: Saoirse Ronan, Jake Abel, Max Irons, Chandler Canterbury, Frances Fisher, Diane Kruger & William Hurt The host revolves around Melanie Stryder, whose body has been taken over the an alien species called “Souls”.   Although her body is taken, she refuses to fade away, becoming a voice in her own head and … Continue reading The Host

Saoirse Ronan The Latest To Join Ryan Gosling’s How To Catch A Monster

By: Nick Venable When most Hollywood stars make their directorial debut, they opt for something cheap and independent, perhaps a story of a love not meant to be, or the struggle experienced by one character. Even a simple crime drama. But not Ryan Gosling, the actor whose first venture into music was the gothic and monster-minded duo Dead Man’s Bones. A noir fairy tale mystery seems like … Continue reading Saoirse Ronan The Latest To Join Ryan Gosling’s How To Catch A Monster

Saoirse Ronan And Two More Up For Mark Romanek’s Cinderella

By: Kristy Puchko We’ve seen Snow White don armor and sword fight in Mirror Mirror andSnow White and The Huntsman as well as in the Disney-produced TV series Once Upon a Time. Now the House of Mouse is looking to give a modern makeover to another of their beloved princesses with Mark Romanek‘s live-action Cinderella. After a couple years in development, this fairy tale feature finally came out of the shadows … Continue reading Saoirse Ronan And Two More Up For Mark Romanek’s Cinderella