Tons of Fun to Watch | Review of ‘Thor: Ragnarok’

Fun and action-packed, Thor: Ragnarok delivers laughter never before seen in a Thor film, making for an unquestionably delightful film. Continue reading Tons of Fun to Watch | Review of ‘Thor: Ragnarok’

Visually Beautiful | Review of ‘Crimson Peak’

By Cynthia Ayala

'Crimson Peak' starring Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain & Tom Hiddleston, Universal Pictures
‘Crimson Peak’ starring Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain & Tom Hiddleston,
Universal Pictures

After marrying the charming and seductive Sir Thomas Sharpe, young Edith finds herself swept away to his remote gothic mansion in the English hills. Also living there is Lady Lucille, Thomas’ alluring sister and protector of her family’s dark secrets. Able to communicate with the dead, Edith tries to decipher the mystery behind the ghostly visions that haunt her new home. As she comes closer to the truth, Edith may learn that true monsters are made of flesh and blood.

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Guillermo del Toro impresses once again with this fantasy film filled with numerous gothic tropes to build the story of romance and mystery set in a Victorian background amidst snow and bloodied clay that bleeds into the ground. Continue reading “Visually Beautiful | Review of ‘Crimson Peak’”

Hayley Atwell Replaces Gemma Arterton In War Photographer Robert Capa Biopic

By:  Nick Venable Despite a similar place within the visual medium, films about photography and photographers aren’t as numerous as one might think. (And honestly, how terrible would an Anne Geddes flick be?) But a biopic about famed Jewish-Hungarian war photographer Robert Capa has been in the works for years, and hasn’t always been limited to just one project. Close Enough looks to be close enough to production that we’ll … Continue reading Hayley Atwell Replaces Gemma Arterton In War Photographer Robert Capa Biopic

The Avengers’ Tom Hiddleston In Talks For The Crow Reboot

By: Eric Eisenberg The reboot of The Crow has more than its fair share of ups and downs. While at one point it looked as though the film was going to be directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and star Bradley Cooper, eventually both dropped off the project, and then Relativity Media had to deal with a lawsuit from The Weinstein Company (which was eventually settled). Since all of the drama the … Continue reading The Avengers’ Tom Hiddleston In Talks For The Crow Reboot