Wanted delivers thrill after thrill | Review of ‘Wanted’ (PLL, #8) – 954 Nation

By: Cynthia Ayala

Wanted delivers thrill after thrill and that is not an understatement. Sara Shepard does it again in her eight installment of the series, keeping the story fresh and alive with curve ball after curve ball and amazing character development. Continue reading “Wanted delivers thrill after thrill | Review of ‘Wanted’ (PLL, #8) – 954 Nation”

‘Wanted’ Delivers Thrill After Thrill | Review of ‘Wanted’ (PLL, #8) – Emertainment Monthly

By: Cynthia Ayala ’16 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer

‘Wanted’ interweaves mystery, thriller and the coming of age genres to bring together a novel that will push readers to the edge of their seats. Continue reading “‘Wanted’ Delivers Thrill After Thrill | Review of ‘Wanted’ (PLL, #8) – Emertainment Monthly”