Titanfall won’t feature day-one DLC or microtransaction

By: Martin Gaston Upcoming multiplayer-focused, mech-based first-person shooterTitanfall won’t be getting any day-one downloadable content, developer Respawn Entertainment has said. GameSpot, producer Drew McCoy said the studio wasn’t looking to “nickel-and-dime” its customers. When asked about Titanfall’s post-release plans, McCoy said, “We’re not talking about our plans specifically, but I can say we’re not going to have day-one DLC, and we’re not gonna have microtransactions … Continue reading Titanfall won’t feature day-one DLC or microtransaction

Metal Gear Rising confirmed for PC

By:  Eddie Makuch Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is coming to the PC, series creator Hideo Kojima announced during a recent podcast (via Joystiq). News of the port was later confirmed by Platinum Games creative producer Jean Pierre Kellams over Twitter. No further information about the PC version of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance was divulged and a Konami representative was not immediately available to comment. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance launched for Xbox … Continue reading Metal Gear Rising confirmed for PC

New DC Universe Online DLC hitting May

By: Jonathan Toyad Fans still playing DC Universe Online will be seeing more new content this May in the form of a DLC pack called Origin Crisis. As detailed on Sony Online’s forums, the DLC will explore “what if” scenarios by letting players travel through alternate histories in different timelines. Missions include dealing with an alternate Batman who is a killer for hire and a … Continue reading New DC Universe Online DLC hitting May

Rock Band To End Song Updates In April

By: Melissa Evans   (@Fataleflare) After 275 weeks of continuous downloadable song updates for the Rock Band series, Harmonix has announced that this will be ending on April 2nd. Until then DLC releases have been scheduled to include the rest of the tracks from RB Blitz, a few Pro guitar upgrades, and the debut of artists who have not yet appeared in Rock Band. There will also be a DLC sale … Continue reading Rock Band To End Song Updates In April

Tales of Xillia 2 Late October News Roundup

By: Shawn For those who’ve been checking our Facebook page, you’re probably aware of why there’s been a lack of news posting as of late. Things have calmed down a bit, so now we’re in the process of getting caught back up on the Tales of Xillia 2 news over the past few weeks. Tales of Xillia 2 is a sequel to the original Tales … Continue reading Tales of Xillia 2 Late October News Roundup

Final Fantasy XIII-2 add-on content goes on sale for a limited time

By: Erren Van Duine While not officially announced by Square Enix, the US PlayStation Blog has blown the lid off a new promotion in regards to Final Fantasy XIII-2′s selection of DLC. If you’ve somehow missed out on the plethora of content available post-launch, now’s your chance to buy in at a discounted price. Each piece of downloadable content for the game, including character episodes, … Continue reading Final Fantasy XIII-2 add-on content goes on sale for a limited time

Dragon’s Dogma getting ‘major expansion’ in 2013

By: Eddie Makuch, News Editor Dragon’s Dogma will expand in 2013. Capcom today announced the Dark Arisen downloadable content for May’s well-received multiplatform role-playing game. The content is due out next year and is described as a “full-blown major expansion.” For now, concrete details on Dark Arisen are light, but Capcom did share a teaser trailer for the DLC (below). It spans 45 seconds and … Continue reading Dragon’s Dogma getting ‘major expansion’ in 2013

Should More Developers Consider Kickstarting?

By: Adam Ma   (@34thGingerbread) If there’s one thing that both gamers and developers love it’s customer loyalty. We all enjoy the idea that developers are creating games with us, not just for us; taking our criticisms and requests seriously as they push towards creating more engaging experiences. Naturally developers need that kind of appreciation to thrive, as we generally show our love in the form … Continue reading Should More Developers Consider Kickstarting?

Toriyama: The day when the meaning of Final Fantasy XIII-2′s DLC ending will come to light is not too far off

By: Erren Van Duine If obvious hints in the Ultimania Omega weren’t enough, Toriyama has some more to say on the subject of a XIII story continuation. Famitsu.com caught up with Toriyama at the recent Game Developers Conference in Taipei. Of course, considering his presentation focused on XIII, the site was keen to ask him if anything Final Fantasy XIII related would show up at … Continue reading Toriyama: The day when the meaning of Final Fantasy XIII-2′s DLC ending will come to light is not too far off

Toriyama: Final Fantasy XIII Season 2 was the concept title for Final Fantasy XIII-2

By: Erren Van Duine If you recall back in January 2011 a leaked Square Enix release schedule made mention of a “Final Fantasy XIII Seasons” scheduled for later that year. Nothing ever came of it and most people had assumed it was just an error or perhaps a rerelease of the first game. We now know that wasn’t the case – in fact it was … Continue reading Toriyama: Final Fantasy XIII Season 2 was the concept title for Final Fantasy XIII-2