Book of the Month Poll – May 2020

New month means new selection of books for the book of the month title. Vote here for your favorite. Continue reading Book of the Month Poll – May 2020

Weekly Reading List #13

By: Cynthia Ayala

Hey there readers! I know that I missed last week but I was at the Florida Supercon so I didn’t get a whole lot of reading done. But this week, man, I read two whole books! Cinder and Survive the Night were so good. Especially Survive the Night. Danielle Vega really knows how to suck a reader in and with that novel, she simply captivated me. I’m very picky with giving books five stars, but that novel certainly earned it; I couldn’t put it down.

Anyway, here’s what’s coming up on my weekly reading list and, as always, all synopsis are courtesy of Goodreads. Happy reading folks.
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