5 Shows Cancelled To Early that Deserve a Comic Book Continuation

By: Cynthia Ayala

We all have those favorite shows that critics raved about and had action, suspense, the whole shebang. But for some reason, networks cancelled said shows due to “lack of ratings”, regardless of the fan base that was growing and growing. It happened with notable cult classic show Firefly, whose fan base garnered an amazing film, and it happened with Family Guy, whose fan base bought up those DVDs like candy forcing FOX to bring back the show.

Not all shows are that lucky though. Firefly also has a comic book series courtesy of Dark Horse comics, and other shows that have been cancelled that have comic book continuations include Charmed, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, & Angel and Faith.

But there are other shows out there that deserve a comic book series to continue where the show unfortunately left off (on a cliffhanger of all things), due to network cancellation.
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Ryan Reynolds May Go A Bit Nuts In Psychological Thriller The Voices

By: Eric Eisenberg It’s been a fairly quiet year for Ryan Reynolds, but that may just be because of how loud 2011 was. Last summer he had his big chance at a breakout, starring in Green Lantern and The Change Up, but neither of those films were able to do what they were expected to do at the box office. Earlier this year he played … Continue reading Ryan Reynolds May Go A Bit Nuts In Psychological Thriller The Voices