A Richly Told Long-Awaited Sequel | Review of ‘Passion of Cleopatra’ (Ramses the Damned #2)

By Cynthia Ayala

“Ramses the Great, former pharaoh of Egypt, is reawakened by the elixir of life in Edwardian England. Now immortal with his bride-to-be, he is swept up in a fierce and deadly battle of wills and psyches against the once-great Queen Cleopatra. Ramses has reawakened Cleopatra with the same perilous elixir whose unworldly force brings the dead back to life. But as these ancient rulers defy one another in their quest to understand the powers of the strange elixir, they are haunted by a mysterious presence even older and more powerful than they, a figure drawn forth from the mists of history who possesses spectacular magical potions and tonics eight millennia old. This is a figure who ruled over an ancient kingdom stretching from the once-fertile earth of the Sahara to the far corners of the world, a queen with a supreme knowledge of the deepest origins of the elixir of life. She may be the only one who can make known to Ramses and Cleopatra the key to their immortality—and the secrets of the miraculous, unknowable, endless expanse of the universe.” —Goodreads

To be published November 21, 2017, by Anchor The Passion of Cleopatra
is the joined effort of mother and son Anne 
Christopher Rice to bring to life the long-awaited sequel to Anne’s 1985 novel, The Mummy.
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Weekly Reading List #105

By Cynthia Ayala

Hey there readers! So, I survived Hurricane Irma unscathed. In fact, I was one of the lucky one in South FL that didn’t lose power. I did lose internet though, got it back on Monday making me able to post the book reviews that I had so much time to catch up on. As well as all the reading! Woo reading. And on that note, here is my latest weekly reading list. If you’ve read it let me know what you think about it. If you haven’t and are on the fence, stay tuned for book reviews that will quickly follow.

Happy reading!
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