Find Out Why Michael Fassbender And Brad Pitt’s Next Movie Is Looking Better Than Ever

By: Katey Rich Whether you caught his previous films Hunger and Shame or only heard all the jokes about Michael Fassbender’s penis, there’s plenty of reason to look forward to director Steve McQueen’s upcoming third film, 12 Years A Slave. It’s a huge departure for the visual-artist-turned-director, bringing back Fassbender in a supporting role but primarily focusing on Solomon Northrup, a man played by Chiwetel … Continue reading Find Out Why Michael Fassbender And Brad Pitt’s Next Movie Is Looking Better Than Ever

British Children Scarred For Life When Shown Paranormal Activity 4 Instead Of Madagascar 3

By: Katey Rich Mistakes happen in movie theaters on time– films start late, the house lights don’t go down on time, and in places that are still showing actual film, sometimes that film catches on fire. But it’s rare that a mistake happens that so drastic it sends the audience actually running for the exits, with children screaming in horror. And yet, that was exactly … Continue reading British Children Scarred For Life When Shown Paranormal Activity 4 Instead Of Madagascar 3

Ryan Reynolds May Go A Bit Nuts In Psychological Thriller The Voices

By: Eric Eisenberg It’s been a fairly quiet year for Ryan Reynolds, but that may just be because of how loud 2011 was. Last summer he had his big chance at a breakout, starring in Green Lantern and The Change Up, but neither of those films were able to do what they were expected to do at the box office. Earlier this year he played … Continue reading Ryan Reynolds May Go A Bit Nuts In Psychological Thriller The Voices

Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Gets A Release Date

When Silent Hill first came out in 2006, it didn’t exactly change the world. In addition to being largely dismissed by critics, the videogame adaptation made double its budget at the international box office, but here in the US it only managed to make $46 million (it was made for $50 million). In spite of this, a direct sequel was put into production last year … Continue reading Silent Hill: Revelation 3D Gets A Release Date