Fast & Furious 6 Writer And Paranormal Activity Producer Team For New Sci-Fi Thriller

By:  Eric Eisenberg One is the producer of the massively successful Paranormal Activity franchise. The other has penned the last three Fast & Furious movies.And now they’re ready to join forces. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Jason Blum and Chris Morgan are teaming up to produce a brand new low-budget sci-fi thriller together under their respective Blumhouse and Chris Morgan Productions banners. While larger details about the plot are currently being … Continue reading Fast & Furious 6 Writer And Paranormal Activity Producer Team For New Sci-Fi Thriller

J.J. Abrams Picks Director For Sci-Fi Thriller God Particle

By: Kristy Puchko Particle physics became a big topic this year thanks to the Large Hadron Collider, a particle accelerator that was seeking answers about antimatter in the universe but sparked fears that the machine’s very existence could create a black hole that would swallow the Earth whole. For screenwriter Oren Uziel (Mortal Combat: Rebirth), this wasn’t just nightmare fuel, but the inspiration for a … Continue reading J.J. Abrams Picks Director For Sci-Fi Thriller God Particle

Paranormal Activity 5 Gets A Release Date

By: Eric Eisenberg Despite the fact that the fourth installment earned by far the worst reviews of any movie in the franchise and had the weakest opening box office since the first, the Paranormal Activity series is still alive. Shortly after the last one’s release Paramount Pictures announced that not only would we be getting a fifth film, but also that they would be making … Continue reading Paranormal Activity 5 Gets A Release Date

British Children Scarred For Life When Shown Paranormal Activity 4 Instead Of Madagascar 3

By: Katey Rich Mistakes happen in movie theaters on time– films start late, the house lights don’t go down on time, and in places that are still showing actual film, sometimes that film catches on fire. But it’s rare that a mistake happens that so drastic it sends the audience actually running for the exits, with children screaming in horror. And yet, that was exactly … Continue reading British Children Scarred For Life When Shown Paranormal Activity 4 Instead Of Madagascar 3

Sinister Director Scott Derrickson To Direct Adaptation Of Stephen King’s The Breaking Method

By: Eric Eisenberg While I didn’t like Scott Derrickson’s latest film, Sinister, because of its overdone plot, it’s actually a very competently directed movie. Even when the story wasn’t bringing the scares, the filmmaker was able to create a terrific, creepy atmosphere using smart camera placement and movement. He seems to have a knack for horror and just needs a proper story to tell. Well, … Continue reading Sinister Director Scott Derrickson To Direct Adaptation Of Stephen King’s The Breaking Method

Ryan Reynolds May Go A Bit Nuts In Psychological Thriller The Voices

By: Eric Eisenberg It’s been a fairly quiet year for Ryan Reynolds, but that may just be because of how loud 2011 was. Last summer he had his big chance at a breakout, starring in Green Lantern and The Change Up, but neither of those films were able to do what they were expected to do at the box office. Earlier this year he played … Continue reading Ryan Reynolds May Go A Bit Nuts In Psychological Thriller The Voices