2D Platformer Mutant Mudds sold more on Wii U than Steam, PS3, PS Vita combined – GameSpot

By: Emanuel Maiberg Wii U’s sales numbers might be dismal, prompting Nintendo to slash its sales projection for the platform this year by over two thirds, but it’s the best platform in terms of sales for at least one developer. Co-founder and director at Renegade Kid Joos Watsham has said on Twitter that the developer’s Mutant Mudds, a 2D platformer, has sold more copies on … Continue reading 2D Platformer Mutant Mudds sold more on Wii U than Steam, PS3, PS Vita combined – GameSpot

PlayStation 4 to get PS1/PS2 emulator – Report

By: Martin Gaston A new report on Digital Foundry has said that the PlayStation 4 will gain the ability to locally emulate PS1 and PS2 titles. The anonymous source, reported to be working on Sony’s PlayStation Now streaming technology, says that the cloud streaming tech is only currently scheduled to support PlayStation 3 titles for now. Sony’s internal emulator is already used on the PlayStation … Continue reading PlayStation 4 to get PS1/PS2 emulator – Report

Game-streaming-enabled Toshiba TVs shipping Q1 2014

By: Emanuel Maiberg PlayStation Now wasn’t the only game-streaming service exhibited at the Consumer Electronics Show 2014. Toshiba also announced that in the first quarter of 2014 it will ship a new line of smart TVs that can stream games using the GameNow service. The Toshiba L7400U, L5400U, and L3400U models all come with GameNow installed, in addition to other apps that are popular on … Continue reading Game-streaming-enabled Toshiba TVs shipping Q1 2014

Christmas DLC coming to Borderlands 2 next week

By: Martin Gaston A third Headhunter DLC pack for Borderlands 2, How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day, will be released on December 17. The DLC will be released across all of the game’s platforms–PC, Mac, Xbox 360, and PS3–for $2.99/£2.39/€2.99, and will contain a Christmassy mission alongside an unlockable head and skin for each character. The new mission is set in a town called Gingerton, which … Continue reading Christmas DLC coming to Borderlands 2 next week

Sony seeking removal of nude Beyond: Two Souls images – Report

By: Eddie Makuch Sony is attempting to scrub all screenshots from Beyond: Two Souls showing actress Ellen Page’s character Jodie Holmes naked, according to reports from several sites this week. The images first appeared in a Reddit forum earlier this month, though an Imgur album containing the shots has since been flushed. In Beyond: Two Souls, Page’s character Jodie takes a shower and no nudity … Continue reading Sony seeking removal of nude Beyond: Two Souls images – Report

DICE considered delaying Battlefield 4 on Xbox One, PS4

By: Eddie Makuch DICE considered delaying the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of Battlefield 4, but was able to overcome development hurdles to have the game ready for launch, executive producer Patrick Bach has said. Speaking with GamesIndustry International, Bach said some people fail to understand how difficult it can be to develop alongside new hardware like the Xbox One and PS4. “We’ve been … Continue reading DICE considered delaying Battlefield 4 on Xbox One, PS4

Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus includes Quest for Booty

By: Eddie Makuch Insomniac Games announced today that all physical copies of the $30 Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus will include a download code for Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty. Quest for Booty was released in 2008 and was the first downloadable game in the Future saga. Insomniac Games also announced today that Into the Nexus has gone gold, meaning it is … Continue reading Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus includes Quest for Booty

HDMI capture on PS4 won’t be available at launch

By: Eddie Makuch Just a day after announcing that the PlayStation 4 would support gameplay capture through HDMI , Sony has confirmed that the feature will not be available at launch. President of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida confirmed the news on Twitter (via Videogamer). Gameplay capture through HDMI will come later through a post-launch patch. The PlayStation 3 used HDCP copy protection over an HDMI … Continue reading HDMI capture on PS4 won’t be available at launch

12GB Flash-based PS3 coming to North America?

By: Eddie Makuch Sony will introduce a 12GB Flash-based PlayStation 3 in North America as early as this Sunday, according to leaked advertisements from retailers in Canada and the United States. As spotted by Engadget , Canada’s Future Shop began selling the unit for $200 today, though the product page has since been pulled . The site was also provided an image of the 12GB PS3 from … Continue reading 12GB Flash-based PS3 coming to North America?

Dark Souls II launching March 2014

By: Dan Chiappini Update: Namco Bandai has confirmed to Eurogamer that Dark Souls II will be shipping in March 2014. Original story: Dark Souls II , the sequel to From Software’s 2011 hit role-playing game, Dark Souls may be releasing in March next year, according to a report on Kotaku. A large billboard has been spotted in Los Angeles by user Norm the Alligator ahead … Continue reading Dark Souls II launching March 2014