Underappreciated Hilarity | Cyn’s Movie Review of Muppets Most Wanted

By: Cynthia Ayala

The Muppets have returned! In The Muppets most wanted the band of friends go on a world tour. Does this movie live up to its predecessors or is it a disappointing flop? Read here to find out.

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Hot Tub Time Machine Might Get A Sequel

By:  Eric Eisenberg Hot Tub Time Machine was one of the last movies put out by MGM before the company went bankrupt, and looking at the box office receipts it’s not hard to see why. Despite having a great cast that included names like John Cusack, Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson and Clark Duke, the comedy managed to bank only $50 million domestically on a $36 million budget, … Continue reading Hot Tub Time Machine Might Get A Sequel

Mark Wahlberg And Dwayne Johnson Lift Weights And Kidnap People In First Pain And Gain Trailer

By: Eric Eisenberg After five straight years of making Transformers movies, Michael Bay promised to change things up with his next project – and it seemed like he was. Instead of going for some new major action blockbuster, he instead committed himself to Pain & Gain, a project that the director described as a Coen brothers-esque dark comedy about a group of muscleheads who try … Continue reading Mark Wahlberg And Dwayne Johnson Lift Weights And Kidnap People In First Pain And Gain Trailer

Warm Bodies Gets A Sweet, Funny New Poster

By: Eric Eisenberg When the first trailer arrived last week a lot of people quickly changed their minds about the upcoming zom-rom-com Warm Bodies. While the first few official stills seemed to paint it as “Twilight with zombies” (it doesn’t help that it’s being released by the same studio), the footage we saw on Thursday replaced ideas of moody, sparkly members of the undead with … Continue reading Warm Bodies Gets A Sweet, Funny New Poster

First Look At Nicholas Hoult As A Zombie In Warm Bodies

By: Eric Eisenberg Nicholas Hoult is no stranger to heavy makeup. While he looked fairly normal at the start of last summer’s X-Men: First Class, by the end of the movie he was blue, had an animal-like face, and was furry all over. In Jonathan Levine‘s Warm Bodies he will once again be undergoing a physical transformation, but instead of looking like a fuzzy beast, this … Continue reading First Look At Nicholas Hoult As A Zombie In Warm Bodies