Twisted continues the Pretty Little Liars Thrill | Review of ‘Twisted’ (PLL, #9)

By: Cynthia Ayala

Twisted is the 9th book in the Pretty Little Liars series that will launch readers into a new story arc, keeping the plot fresh and captivating as it drops the bomb repeatedly.  Sara Shepard does it yet again.
Continue reading “Twisted continues the Pretty Little Liars Thrill | Review of ‘Twisted’ (PLL, #9)”

‘Twisted’ Continues The Pretty Little Liars Thrill | Review of ‘Twisted’ (PLL, #9) – Emertainment Monthly

By: Cynthia Ayala ’16 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer

‘Twisted’ continues to combine the young adult genre with mystery, thriller and coming of age to keep the story fresh and captivating. Continue reading “‘Twisted’ Continues The Pretty Little Liars Thrill | Review of ‘Twisted’ (PLL, #9) – Emertainment Monthly”