Best Batman Movie Ever | Review of ‘The Lego Batman Movie’

By Cynthia Ayala

The Lego Batman Movie starring Will Arnett, Zach Galifianakis, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawson & Ralph Fiennes
Warner Bros. Pictures
Image Credit: IMDB

“Bruce Wayne must not only deal with the criminals of Gotham City, but also the responsibility of raising a boy he adopted.”


By far the best Batman movie out there, The Lego Batman Movie is awesome for so many reasons. Focusing on who the character is, in such a playful way, the writers understood what makes Batman such a strong character and a fan favorite character. He’s always had his head up his tushie, and this film uses that element to make the film so funny. But then there are those sadder moments, the moments that reflect on the past and the defining moment that makes Batman who he is. The writers understand Batman better than I’ve seen in such a long time. Then there is that classic dynamic he has with Joker. This film nailed that relationship, that very toxic and twisted relationship, with perfection! Not since The Dark Knight has their relationship been so clearly and wonderfully established to build up this duo that has been the cause of so many iconic comic book moments.
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