Last Sacrifice (A Vampire Academy Novel)

Book 6

Amazing book.  Completely enthralling, gripping story until the very end of this book.  There was just so much going on here and the ending, oh my god, I did not see that coming.  The person who killed the queen was the last person I suspected, Michelle Mead wrote such an amazing book, I loved it!  Everything about this book was amazing.  It was such a great and my favorite part was the fact that the ending was not wishy washy.  If anything, it was realistic.  I mean yes, she gets to be with the man she loves, but it’s not going to be easy and neither are the lives of the people around her.  Still though, there were parts in this book that I wondered if there was going to be any character development for Rose.  I don’t know, sometimes she just came off as a static character.  That was my main problem with the book.  I mean I loved all the vampire lore behind this book as well.  It was well, not fantastical, it’s something that I can totally believe is real.  Completely captivating over all though.  4.5/5 stars & a “B+”.

Available wherever books are sold.

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