Walking Dead Movie Rumored At AMC

By: Katey Rich

the_walking_dead_32487AMC"s The Walking Dead remains one of the most popular geek-friendly properties out there, whether on TV or at the movies– just witness the massive lines for the show’s yearly Comic Con panels for proof. So with the show going strong on the small screen, and a huge comic book background to draw on, it’s only natural the people behind it would start eyeing something bigger. While there are no active plans in the works to turn The Walking Dead into a movie– no deals have been signed, no script has been written, nothing like that– it’s now clear that it’s not only fans who would like to see the zombie saga turned into a movie.

Some sources who work on the show have let Bloody Disgusting know that there are "rumblings" around set about attempting a movie. Even they’re eager to let us know that we are years and years away from seeing an actual movie happen, not least of which because The Walking Dead is still a huge hit for AMC, and they want to keep the show alive as long as possible before attempting a movie. And Lord knows we’ve spent enough time over the years speculating about TV shows whose creators want to turn them into movies, but never happen– RIP, Party Down, Veronica Marsand 24 movies.

But as the currently shooting new season of Arrested Development proves, anything is possible, and the success of The Walking Dead pretty much guarantees we’ll be hearing about this idea for a long while. So without writing it off, bear in mind that a Walking Dead movie remains a distant possibility. Now indulge in the speculation and let us know what you’d like to see from that movie in the comments.

Source: Cinema Blend

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