Tom Cruise Takes Over London’s Trafalgar Square To Film Sci-Fi Thriller

By: Access Hollywood

Tom Cruise took over Trafalgar Square in London on Sunday to film scenes for his upcoming movie, “All You Need Is Kill.”

The actor was spotted exiting a Royal Air Force helicopter for the project.

Traffic was closed around Britain’s famed Trafalgar Square so Tom and his co-stars could film the motion picture, according to Britain’s Telegraph newspaper.

Helicopters and army tanks were spotted in the famed tourist attraction, the same location many people previously watched the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Tom plays Lt. Col. Bill Cage in the film – a soldier who is fighting a war with aliens. The twist? He ends up in a time loop of his final day of battle, getting better at fighting each time.

The film, which also stars Emily Blunt and Bill Paxton, is due out in 2014.

Source: NBC Universal & Yahoo! Movies


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