My Weekly Reading List

By: Cynthia Ayala

My reading list for this upcoming week.  This week is about Fyre (Septimus Heap, #7), Anomaly (Causal Enchantment, #4) and Insight (Insight, #1).  What am I expecting here?  Read here to find out.

All right!  So as it turns out, this past week I only read 2 books, but I enjoyed each and every word in the novels.  Mostly.  Stay turned for those reviews!

But here is an update on my reading list for this coming week.

Fyre (Septimus Heap, #7)
Fyre (Septimus Heap, #7)

1. Fyre (Septimus Heap, #7)

The last novel in the Septimus Heap series that follows young Septimus Heap, the seventh son of the seventh son, and Jenna, the young Queen, as they grow into who they are and finalize their place in the Magycal world.  But danger still hovers over these two and those around them, and this novel presents readers these young heroes as they face evil one final time.

This book was released over a year

ago but I’m one of those people who waits until the paperback becomes available when I don’t have time to pick up the book to read at the bookstore or library.

I’m both excited and sad that this is the final novel in the series because I have been reading this series for years and it’s a very good book for young readers because, much like with Harry Potter, you’re following a character through the years, watching them grow up and face the dark challenges of the world around them.

Hopefully this book will deliver and live up to my hype.

Anomaly (Causal Enchantment, #4)
Anomaly (Causal Enchantment, #4)

2. Anomaly (Causal Enchantment, #4)

Now, I blew through the first three novels on my Nook, completely entranced by the series and the characters within the series.  The more the plot evolved, the more it grew and thickened, I was hooked, but then I had to wait months for the release of this novel.  Below is the synopsis provided by Goodreads:

“She was merely a pawn in their game.  
And then something happened.  Once the fragile, naïve human, Evangeline has become altogether … different.  A being who holds formidable power, she may be the key to changing the course of fate.  Or she could be the final nail in the world’s coffin.   But Evangeline doesn’t know exactly what she is, what she can do. She knows only that she has to stop an enemy far worse than the Sentinel and the sorceresses—one driven by revenge.  And he’s hunting the man she loves.  As Evangeline fights to keep Caden alive and the human population from eradication, she can’t help but sense the imminent doom.   Find out if fate will prevail in the harrowing conclusion to the Causal Enchantment series.”

I’m excited!

Insight (Insight, #1)
Insight (Insight, #1)

3. Insight (Insight, #1)

Okay, so I started to read this novel 2 months ago but then other stuff came out and I decided to pick up other novels that seemed a little more captivating.  Not sure how that makes this novel look, but it’s the truth.  So i’m going to return to this novel and finally read it on my Kindle app.  The plot is interesting, but the beginning seems a little slow.  All I can hope is that it will get better.

“Before that fateful summer night, Willow had balanced the insight of emotion, and the vivid images. That night, the figure in her nightmare marked her wrist with a star, giving her father no choice but to tell Willow a family secret that would abruptly change life, as she knew it, forever. Before Willow had time to absorb the shock of her father’s secret, her soul mate that had shared every stunning dream with her, found her, and darkness captured her closest friends. In order to save them, she must weave through broken myths and the undeniable power of the Zodiac. In the end, Willow discovers that at the moment of our birth we are all given a divine gift.”

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