Review of ‘A Vow So Bold and Deadly’

A Vow So Bold and Deadly brings Lilith back into the mix, giving the reader a thrilling, fast-paced conclusion.

The final novel in the Cursebreakers trilogy, A Vow So Bold and Deadly, captures the heart of the first novel and develops into an excellent ending.

The Story So Far…

If you recall my review of A Curse So Dark and Lonely, you might remember that I loved it. It began as a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and for all those that know me, you know I will read all Beauty and the Beast retellings.

That was an excellent introduction to the series.

Unfortunately, I had many issues with the sequel A Heart So Fierce and Broken.

Thankfully, many of the issues I had were rectified here.


My biggest disappointment with the second novel was a disservice to Rhen and Harper. Rhen was acting out, being cruel and stupid, while Harper stood by meekly, letting him. They were both unrecognizable to me.

So, it was such a wonderful surprise to see Harper return to the fierce girl we met in book one. Harper has cerebral palsy but does not let that keep her down. She learned to sword fight, learned to rise to the occasion, and not let her disability define her. That kind of representation is essential for readers, so to see her continue to be the girl that pushes Rhen was amazing.

As for Rhen, he was terrible and unlikeable in the second novel. But now we see why. Lilith has returned, and the thought of being under her thrall again makes the reader feel Rhen’s fear for himself, his kingdom, and Harper. He is terrified, clearly suffering PTSD after years of being cursed by Lilith. It gives the reader understanding while not condoning what he has done.

Lia Mara, on the other hand. While her ideals are respectable, she is still a boring character. There is a fire that is lacking that I cannot put my finger on, but as a character, she is my least favorite. I don’t think this novel devoted enough growth to either her or Grey because they fell flat. Sure, they had their own trials to contend with, but they lacked in comparison to Harper and Rhen.


A Vow So Bold and Deadly also improved on the pacing. The first novel was steady, while the second novel was dreadfully slow. Here the pacing was fast from beginning to end. And when the climax hit, the story took off, hooking the reader. It was engaging and tension driven, making for such a remarkable story.

The only setback was the ending.

Once Lilith meets her demise in a brilliantly executed scene, the characters reunite and make amends.

But there is no clear resolution. Kemmerer leaves the ending open. We have no clue what will happen to the kingdom or who will stay in Emberfall. Are the kingdoms going to become one? Are Harper and Rhen going to join her brother in DC? There are many questions but no answers, leaving the reader unfulfilled.

Final Thoughts

Despite its few hiccups, A Vow So Bold and Deadly improved upon its predecessor. Offering a fast pace and some great characterization, this one keeps the reader hooked from beginning to end.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

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