Advantage PS4: Why Sony is winning the console war – GameSpot

By: Justin Haywald Just in case you’re someone who’s inclined to read the title of this opinion piece, skim the first paragraph, and then jump straight to the comments section, this is not a doom-and-gloom message for Microsoft. The Xbox One is selling really well, the Microsoft games division isn’t about to go out of business, and the launch of the Xbox One has not … Continue reading Advantage PS4: Why Sony is winning the console war – GameSpot

Bravely Default: Flying Fairy hitting 3DS February 7

By: Eddie Makuch Nintendo announced North America launch dates for two high-profile third-party 3DS games today during a Nintendo Direct briefing, slating Bravely Default: Flying Fairy for release on February 7 and Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy for February 28. Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy is already available in Europe. In addition, the Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Collector’s Edition was confirmed for release … Continue reading Bravely Default: Flying Fairy hitting 3DS February 7

Sega bringing Sonic, Ecco, and Streets of Rage to 3DS’ 3D Classics range

By: Martin Gaston Sega has announced that it will be releasing eight remastered titles into Nintendo’s 3D Classics range on the 3DS eShop. The retro games have been tweaked to make use of the handheld’s 3D effect, and will include Genesis classics Sonic the Hedgehog, Ecco the Dolphin, and Streets of Rage, among others. Nintendo has previously released some of its own titles, including Kid … Continue reading Sega bringing Sonic, Ecco, and Streets of Rage to 3DS’ 3D Classics range

Nintendo announces new Kirby for 3DS

By: Martin Gaston Nintendo has announced a new Kirby title for the Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata announced the game during today’s Nintendo Direct, showing off footage for the new title, which appears to be a more traditional Kirby platformer than some of the character’s more recent titles, such as Kirby’s Epic Yarn and Kirby: Mass Attack . No official title for the upcoming … Continue reading Nintendo announces new Kirby for 3DS

Batman: Arkham Origins multiplayer mode revealed, not coming to Wii U

By: Eddie Makuch Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announced the multiplayer mode for Batman: Arkham Origins , revealing it is in development at Brink and Enemy Territory developer Splash Damage, and won’t be available on Wii U. The online mode–Invisible Predator Online–will be supported on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC versions. No mention was made of why the Wii U had been passed over … Continue reading Batman: Arkham Origins multiplayer mode revealed, not coming to Wii U

WB defends Batman: Arkham Origin

By: Eddie Makuch Batman: Arkham Origins  is the first entry in the series developed outside of Rocksteady Studios, leading some to be skeptical about the project. The creative director at WB Games Montreal, Eric Holmes, acknowledged this skepticism in a new interview, but said gamers will believe in the title once they get to play it. “I would say that people have the right to … Continue reading WB defends Batman: Arkham Origin

Level 5 bringing SUDA51’s Liberation Maiden to Europe

By: Mark Walton Professor Layton developer Level 5 is bringing three of its previous Japan-only 3DS releases to Europe. Up first is Liberation Maiden, a 3D sci-fi shooter created by SUDA51 that puts players in command of a humanoid robot called Kamui. It’s available to download immediately from the Nintendo 3DS eShop for £7.19. Following shortly after in November is Aero Porter, a puzzle game … Continue reading Level 5 bringing SUDA51’s Liberation Maiden to Europe

Wii U will be region-locked – Report

By: Laura Parker, Associate Editor Nintendo has reportedly confirmed the Wii U will be region-locked. The publisher made the original statement in the Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu (as reported by GameSpot sister site CNET), seemingly confirming the Wii U–just like the Wii and 3DS before it–will not allow gamers to play titles imported from other regions. Nintendo’s region-locking policy has been in place since the … Continue reading Wii U will be region-locked – Report

Ace Attorney 5 Is Coming To North America

By: Spencer Pressly   (@torchwood4sp) The Ace Attorney series has been around for quite a few year, but after a few spin-offs Phoenix Wright is back. Ace Attorney 5 is not to be confused with Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, they are two completely different games. Besides announcing that the game is coming out Capcom released some screenshots showing off all the high tension court room … Continue reading Ace Attorney 5 Is Coming To North America

Nintendo shrinks 3DS losses

By: Jane Douglas Nintendo has reported a smaller loss than expected between April and June this year. The firm posted a ¥10.3 billion ($132 million) operating loss in its earnings report, an improvement on the ¥37.7 billion ($482 million) quarterly loss reported a year earlier. In particular, sales of the 3DS have risen, Nintendo said, with 1,860,000 units sold worldwide between April and June, more … Continue reading Nintendo shrinks 3DS losses