Weekly Reading List #13

By: Cynthia Ayala

Hey there readers! I know that I missed last week but I was at the Florida Supercon so I didn’t get a whole lot of reading done. But this week, man, I read two whole books! Cinder and Survive the Night were so good. Especially Survive the Night. Danielle Vega really knows how to suck a reader in and with that novel, she simply captivated me. I’m very picky with giving books five stars, but that novel certainly earned it; I couldn’t put it down.

Anyway, here’s what’s coming up on my weekly reading list and, as always, all synopsis are courtesy of Goodreads. Happy reading folks.
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Mead weaves Toils and Troubles in the best ways | Review of ‘The Indigo Spell’ (Bloodlines, #3) – 954 Nation

By: Cynthia Ayala

Mead does it again in her third novel of her best-selling Bloodlines series by developing Sage’s character more than ever in her latest novel The Indigo Spell. Continue reading “Mead weaves Toils and Troubles in the best ways | Review of ‘The Indigo Spell’ (Bloodlines, #3) – 954 Nation”

Mead Weaves Toils and Troubles in the Best Ways: Review of ‘The Indigo Spell’ (Bloodlines, #3) – Emertainment Weekly

By: Cynthia Ayala ’16 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer

‘The Indigo Spell’ delves into the urban and dark fantasy genres by bringing magic, vampires and alchemists together in an amazing novel for young adult and mature audiences. Continue reading “Mead Weaves Toils and Troubles in the Best Ways: Review of ‘The Indigo Spell’ (Bloodlines, #3) – Emertainment Weekly”

Bloodlines (A Bloodlines Novel: Book 1)

Bloodlines By: Richelle Mead Published: August 23, 2011 Publisher: Razorbill Series: Bloodlines, #1 Genre: Young Adult, Urban Fantasy, Dark fantasy Spinning out from the pages of the Vampire Academy Series, is Bloodlines.  Alchemist Sydney Sage, who is on thin ice for helping rogue Dhampir Rose Hathaway evade justice. Her career is in jeopardy, with the fear that she may have to undergo re-education.  Woken late … Continue reading Bloodlines (A Bloodlines Novel: Book 1)