Did Bungie tease ‘Destiny’ in Halo 3: ODST?

By: Eddie Makuch Just this week, Bungie released the first piece of concept art for its new game, believed to be called Destiny. However, it appears the studio embedded a Destiny teaser more than three years ago in Halo 3: ODSTand none caught on until yesterday. A Twitter user sent former Bungie developer Vic DeLeon (who now continues to work on Halo at 343 Industries) … Continue reading Did Bungie tease ‘Destiny’ in Halo 3: ODST?

Bungie releases Destiny concept art

By: Laura Parker Halo maker Bungie have released an official screenshot from their upcoming game, rumoured to be titled Destiny. The screenshot, posted on Bungie’sofficial site, came as a response to a leaked marketing document reportedly provided to IGN by a reader, which outed story details and concept art from the upcoming game. According to IGN, Bungie has confirmed the document was prepared by an … Continue reading Bungie releases Destiny concept art

Earth Had Two Moons That Crashed to Form One, Study Suggests

A tiny second moon may once have orbited Earth before catastrophically slamming into the other one, a titanic clash that could explain why the two sides of the surviving lunar satellite are so different from each other, a new study suggests. The second moon around Earth would have been about 750 miles (1,200 kilometers) wide and could have formed from the same collision between the … Continue reading Earth Had Two Moons That Crashed to Form One, Study Suggests