Halo 5 coming to Xbox in 2015 according to Master Chief voice actor [UPDATE] – GameSpot

By: Zorine Te [UDPATE] Following the publication of this story, Halo voice actor Steve Downes and Microsoft issued new statements to GameZone. “It sounds like I was ‘confirming’ [an] H2A edition, which I most certainly was not,” Downes said. “I’m in no position to do that as I have no knowledge of it. I was only mentioning what I had seen on line about it.” … Continue reading Halo 5 coming to Xbox in 2015 according to Master Chief voice actor [UPDATE] – GameSpot

Halo 4 pirates facing permanent XBL bans?

By: Eddie Makuch Gamers caught playing a pirated version of 343 Industries’ new shooter Halo 4 potentially face a permanent ban from Xbox Live. That’s according to one Reddit writer, who posted an email from Microsoft informing the user that “illegitimate prerelease title play” has yielded a permanent Xbox Live account suspension. A Microsoft representative was not immediately available for comment. Writing on the official … Continue reading Halo 4 pirates facing permanent XBL bans?

Halo 4: Cortana’s new look revealed

Cortana has been Master Chief’s constant companion throughout the Halo series, but judging by the artwork for Halo 4 set to grace GameInformer’s May issue, the AI regular may be getting ready to travel beyond the “friend” zone. Have a look at 343 Industries’ new (and improved?) Cortana design: Yep, those are some nice, uh, data points. True, Cortana has rocked the curvy, feminine look … Continue reading Halo 4: Cortana’s new look revealed