Book of the Month Poll – January 2022

A new month means a new selection of books for the book of the month title. Vote here for your favorite January 2022 YA novel. Continue reading Book of the Month Poll – January 2022

Just Keeps Getting Better | Review of ‘Gathering Darkness’ (Falling Kingdoms #3)

By Cynthia Ayala

Gathering Darkness by Morgan Rhodes
Image Credit: Goodreads

“In GATHERING DARKNESS, book three of the New York Times bestselling Falling Kingdoms series, the stakes have never been higher as three teams push forward on a race to find the Kindred, the four elemental crystals possessing ancient, all-powerful magic, first: Prince Magnus has just witnessed torture, death, and miracles during the bloody confrontation that decimated the rebel forces. Now he must choose between family and justice as his father, the cruel King Gaius, sets out to conquer all of Mytica. All Gaius needs now are the Kindred – the four elemental crystals that give godlike powers to their owner. But the King of Blood is not the only one hunting for this ancient, storied magic. The only certainty in the dark times is that whoever finds the magic first will control the fate of Mytica… but fate can be fickle when magic is involved.” —Goodreads

Published December 9, 2014, by Razorbill, Gathering Darkness is the third book in the riveting young adult fantasy series, Falling Kingdoms, by Morgan Rhodes.
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Weekly Reading List #106

By Cynthia Ayala

Hey there readers. I hope everyone is doing well. I’m doing very well, catching up on all my reading, breathing freely, having fun. Not much in the life of my other than my reading fever as my fiancé likes to call it. So here’s you go, my new reading list. And again, don’t forget to share your thoughts on these books, if you’ve read them or haven’t, what you think about them. Happy reading!
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An Amazing Sequel | Review of ‘Rebel Spring’ (Falling Kingdoms #2)

By Cynthia Ayala

“Auranos has been conquered and the three kingdoms—Auranos, Limeros, and Paelsia—are now unwillingly united as one country called Mytica. But alluring, dangerous magic still beckons, and with it the chance to rule not just Mytica, but the world. And when Gaius announces that a road is to be built into the Forbidden Mountains, formally linking all of Mytica together, he sets off a chain of cataclysmic events that will forever change the face of this land.” —Goodreads

Published December 3, 2013, by Razorbill, Rebel Spring is the second in the bestselling series by Morgan Rhodes that combines political intrigue with magic and fantasy.

Continue reading “An Amazing Sequel | Review of ‘Rebel Spring’ (Falling Kingdoms #2)”

Weekly Reading List #105

By Cynthia Ayala

Hey there readers! So, I survived Hurricane Irma unscathed. In fact, I was one of the lucky one in South FL that didn’t lose power. I did lose internet though, got it back on Monday making me able to post the book reviews that I had so much time to catch up on. As well as all the reading! Woo reading. And on that note, here is my latest weekly reading list. If you’ve read it let me know what you think about it. If you haven’t and are on the fence, stay tuned for book reviews that will quickly follow.

Happy reading!
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Leaves the Reader Hungry for More | Review of ‘Falling Kingdoms’ (Falling Kingdoms #1)

By Cynthia Ayala

Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes
Image Credit: Goodreads

“In the three kingdoms of Mytica, magic has long been forgotten. And while hard-won peace has reigned for centuries, a deadly unrest now simmers below the surface. As the rulers of each kingdom grapple for power, the lives of their subjects are brutally transformed…and four key players, royals and rebels alike, find their fates forever intertwined. Cleo, Jonas, Lucia, and Magnus are caught in a dizzying world of treacherous betrayals, shocking murders, secret alliances, and even unforeseen love. It’s the eve of war…. Choose your side.

Published December 11, 2012, by Razorbill Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes is the first in her YA fantasy series where magic meets power between kingdoms.
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Weekly Reading List #100

By Cynthia Ayala

Hey there people of the page. So I’m still a little sick (I don’t know if I let you all know I was sick). But that doesn’t mean that I am bed ridden. I’ve been sleeping in a little longer and getting some bad headaches. Still working hard and reading lots, but at a slower pace. But I’m still here and I’m still working hard and reading. Of course, I’m always reading and writing. So check out this week’s reading list and see if any of these titles are worthy of your reading list. Of if you’ve already read a title here, let me know what you thought about it.
Continue reading “Weekly Reading List #100”