Book of the Month Poll – February 2022

A new month means a new selection of books for the book of the month title. Vote here for your favorite February 2022 YA novel. Continue reading Book of the Month Poll – February 2022

Review: Answering Big Questions With ‘The Children of Darkness’ (The Seekers, #1) – Emertainment Monthly

By Cynthia Ayala

81bVuvqtYoL-683x1024When a teaching corrupts one of the kids, the others are forced to save him. One night, a whisper of hope in the darkness leads three children—Nathaniel, Orah, and Thomas—on an adventure for the truth, and an unimaginable freedom[…] Continue reading “Review: Answering Big Questions With ‘The Children of Darkness’ (The Seekers, #1) – Emertainment Monthly”

A Sad and Wonderful Tale | Review of ‘Fairest’ (The Lunar Chronicles #3.5)

By Cynthia Ayala

Fairest by Marissa Meyer
Feiwel & Friends
Image Credit: Goodreads

Before she was the Queen of Luna, she was just a princess, the forgotten daughter who would never be queen, and would go down in history as nobody. Lost and lonely, she was just a young girl, hopelessly in love with a soldier, smart and with a terrible secret. This is how she became the Evil Queen.

The bridge between Cress and Winter, Fairest is another novel in Marissa Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles series. January 27, 2015, by Feiwel & Friends, this story tells the tale of Queen Levana, the monstrous vindictive Evil Queen of Luna. But her story builds her character and the world where she came from giving readers a fascinating look at who she was before she became how readers know her.
Continue reading “A Sad and Wonderful Tale | Review of ‘Fairest’ (The Lunar Chronicles #3.5)”

Weekly Reading List #32

By Cynthia Ayala

Hey there readers! I hope everyone has had a wonderful week. I am. Sure, I’m a little stressed because I have a paper due this week, a one page report on an Editor of my choosing due Friday and an annotated bibliography that is due Wednesday that is also part of my final project, but I’m still in a great mood because not only has my fiance got a new job, he’s going to be coming to visit me soon! That makes me very happy.

Anyway, here is my latest weekly reading list, all synopsis’ are courtesy of Goodreads. Happy reading! Continue reading “Weekly Reading List #32”