Nia Dragin Books | On My Mind #1

By Nia Dragin; Cynthia Ayala

Hey there! So I know that I haven’t been “here” lately. My life has been very hectic lately but I am working hard on editing the third and final novel in the Eclipsing Trilogy. I’m working hard, the cover is done. Woo! I’m very excited about it, super excited actually because that means that I am just one step closer to launching the book and one step closer to starting up my publishing company and building it from the bottom up. I’m so excited about that! But what I want to create a stronger presence online to connect with you, my readers[…] Continue reading “Nia Dragin Books | On My Mind #1”

Weekly Reading List #29

By Cynthia Ayala

Hello there fellow readers! I hope that everyone is having a wonderful year so far. It has been very somewhat depressing with the deaths of David Bowie and Alan Rickman, both who were amazing in everything that they did. They will forever be missed, that’s definite.

Now, if you have been staring at your bookshelf wondering what to read next, here’s something for you. Check out this weeks reading list courtesy of my interest. If your like me with a reading list so long, here is something to make what to read next a little easier. Happy reading!
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Review: Post-Apocalyptic Thriller “Nightfall” Has a Slow Start – Emertainment Monthly

By Cynthia Ayala ’17 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer

Nightfall_Cover-1-326x245No one stays on the island once the sun leaves, but for Marin, Kana, and Line, they didn’t have a choice and they were forgotten […]
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‘Nightfall’s Thrilling Concept is Dulled by Uncharacteristic Writing | Review of ‘Nightfall”

By Cynthia Ayala

'Nightfall' by Jake Halpern & Peter Kujawinski  G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
‘Nightfall’ by Jake Halpern & Peter Kujawinski
G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers

The sun doesn’t set for twenty-four years, and when it does, the darkness rises, bringing the nightmares and monsters of the night alongside it. No one stays on the island once the sun leaves, but for Marin, Kana and Line, they didn’t have a choice and they were forgotten. Now the trio need to not only survive the night, but make it off the island and swim south towards the desert lands. But it may be to late for them to save themselves…

Nightfall by Jake Halpern and Peter Kujawinski is a post-apocalyptic young adult thriller, published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers on September 22, 2015. It follows three young teenagers as they traverse their home island Bliss, seeing it in ways they never had before. Continue reading “‘Nightfall’s Thrilling Concept is Dulled by Uncharacteristic Writing | Review of ‘Nightfall””

Thought Seeker: Available for Pre-Order now –

Thought Seeker (Eclipsing Trilogy, #2)
Thought Seeker (Eclipsing Trilogy, #2)

Hello there fair readers. Thought Seeker is the sequel to my novel Blood Hunger. As I am approaching the final stages of editing and the front cover is finalized, I have made it my priority to make my novel officially available for pre-order. As of right now I don’t have any plans for a hardcover as I did with my first novel. But depending on sales I might. However, the book will be available soon as the scheduled release date is October 8th, 2015, just in time for the Halloween Holidays. In addition, stay tuned for more updates as I will be having monthly sales for the first book in the Eclipsing Trilogy and a Goodreads Giveaway for Thought Seeker.
Continue reading “Thought Seeker: Available for Pre-Order now –”

Success! Making My Way into Publishing

A few months ago, I published my first novel Blood Hunger on the Kindle and Nook eBook stores. I also printed copies due to a surprising amount of support and word of mouth and have sold a little over a hundred copies. Not a lot in the publishing world, but for me, a self-publisher, that is enough for me. Now that I am back in college, I have continued to learn about marketing and publicizing my novel, learning the ways of the amazing InDesign and self-publishing business.
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A Dynamic And Rich Novel | Review of ‘Heartless’ (PLL, #7) – Emertainment Monthly

By: Cynthia Ayala ’16 / Emertainment Monthly Staff Writer

‘Heartless’ continues the thrilling story of four young girls being stalked by a mysterious assailant breathing life into the young adult genre as it combines mystery/thriller with a coming-of-age story. Continue reading “A Dynamic And Rich Novel | Review of ‘Heartless’ (PLL, #7) – Emertainment Monthly”