Kristen Stewart: Scandalous Trampire


I am trying really hard to contain myself, but, it’s just to fun to pick on someone who is a hypocrite, especially when the facts truly are facts and scandalous bullshit.  Pardon my French.

You, I feel bad for Robert Pattinson, I really do, being cheated on it awful, it’s happened to me and it makes you feel like shit, but do onto others as you would have them do onto you.  He pursued her while she still had a boyfriend and she was already dating him while she had a boyfriend.  It’s karma.  You don’t pursue someone while they have a boyfriend/girlfriend then begin a relationship with them before the previous one is even over.  It shows a lack of respect on both parts.  It’s simply cruel.

As far as Kristen Stewart goes, she’s a hypocrite.  She once said in an interview that she can’t be fake and doesn’t understand how people can be fake.  And yet she was fake, very fake to her fans and to Robert Pattinson.  What makes her even more of a hypocrite is the fact that now, instead of going to her own house and hanging out with girlfriends which is what you do, she decides to go and live with another director, single this time because she’s “too ashamed of showing her face in public”.  Yeah, living with another guy, claiming you’re still in love with Robert, does so much for your publicity.  She’s doing him, come on, Robert thinks so, I think so, given her track record, every one thinks so.  She has her own home, what is she doing living with another guy.  It would be different, and far more respectable, if he went to her house to visit and check up on his “friend”, left before dark back to his home.  But no, she’s living with him.  And she claims she want’s to get back together with Robert.  Yup, sure you do.  Screw Trampire, Kristen Stewart is a slut.  Plain and simple.

I’m not a twi-hard fan, I don’t go all weepy and crazy for it, I mean, I like the movies and I have a midnight showing addiction, but these aren’t movies I would die over, and I read the books (Stephanie Meyer should have stopped at Eclipse – favorite book).  But I understand why twi-hard fans are freaking out.  When you take on a role, you have an obligation to retain the integrity of that character, as an actor you have to make it the best you can.  Kristen Stewart played the role justly, but her actions do not do her character justly, in fact, Bella is too goody goody, she would never have done what Kristen did.

Trampire.  Slut.  One reaps what they sow.  Actions define us, show the world who we really are more than words, unspoken or spoken, ever could.

One thought on “Kristen Stewart: Scandalous Trampire

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