Zack Snyder Suggests Man Of Steel Will Lead Directly Into Justice League

By:  Katey Rich

What do we know for sure about the Justice League movie so far? Honestly, not a whole lot. Since Ben Affleck denied rumors that he might direct it, and Warner Bros. settled a legal suit against the estates of Superman’s creator, we’ve known mainly that the movie is going forward and is scheduled for 2015, that Gangster Squad‘s Will Beall will be writing it… and that’s pretty much it.

Presumably sometime before Zack Snyder‘s Man of Steel premieres on June 14 next year, we’ll know a few more details about Justice League. But that movie could drop all kinds of hints about where Warner Bros. is going with their superhero team-up film, with a potential appearance from a Nick Fury-style character to link all the superheroes together, or a hint at who the villain might be in the team-up film. But now Snyder is suggesting that we might get the answer to something much more basic: who’s playing Superman? Talking in the vaguest terms to The New York Post, Snyder swore up and down he didn’t know how Justice League would be handled, but that “they trust me to keep them on course” for that movie.

Why bother reading anything into that? Because it wasn’t that long ago that Snyder said his Superman would be separate for the one seen in Man of Steel, that “what they’ll do with Justice League will be its own thing with its own Batman and own Superman.” That was back in March of 2011, well before the gears got turning again on Justice League last June, and while Snyder was still in the middle of production on Man of Steel. Now, with Man of Steel coming just two years before the planned release of Justice League, it’s seemingly increasingly impossible that they won’t use the Superman movie to set up Justice League— and Snyder now seems to be acknowledging that, yes, Henry Cavill will be straddling franchises after all.

That still doesn’t solve the problem of who would play Batman, given that Christian Bale and Christopher Nolan have both stepped away from the character, but it seems perfectly reasonable for Warner Bros. to use Man of Steel to set up an entirely new universe that doesn’t acknowledge Nolan’s films at all. As we have been for months, though, we’re just speculating here– and from the sounds of it we have a while longer to wait before anything solid about Justice League emerges.

Source: Cinema Blend

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