Could The First Ant-Man Trailer Be On The Way Soon?

By:  Eric Eisenberg

ant_man_36477Last summer at San Diego Comic Con, director Edgar Wright and Marvel Studios provided a very special treat for the crowds packed into Hall H: the first ever look at Ant-Man. A month prior to the convention Wright had announced that they had shot some test footage for the upcoming superhero movie – which has since been confirmed with a November 6, 2015 release date – and that’s what was shown to the geek audience. As I noted in my recap, not all of the effects shots had been completed, and missing gaps were filled with storyboards and pre-visulization material – but has the footage since been finished as the movie’s first teaser trailer?

A YouTube user recently uploaded the Ant-Man footage that was shown by Edgar Wright during a presentation in London called The Best of BUG, and while the footage itself is the exact same as what was shown to fans at San Diego Comic Con, one thing that struck me about it was how improved the effects were. In the scene, Ant-Man is shown hiding out in a grate waiting for his chance to attack two armed guards that are protecting an elevator. When shown at SDCC, the shot of the hero jumping down to the floor from his perch was very rough, but in the bootlegged footage it appears to be 100% complete. It’s entirely possible that Wright has spent the last few months working on the footage and getting it prepared to be officially released.

If this is the case, the big remaining question becomes, “When?” All logic points to early May, when Shane Black‘s Iron Man 3 arrives in theaters and introduces the world to Marvel Studios Phase Two. But would the studios be up for debuting a trailer for a movie that’s still more than two years away? Considering that Wright has been attached to make Ant-Man since 2006and has kept fans waiting this long, I think it’s only fair that we get our first look sooner rather than later.

Source: Cinema Blend

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