Book of the Month – August 2018

By Cynthia Ayala

Happy August readers! I hope everyone has great plans for the month, back to school shopping, book buying, and on the note of book buying check out this months’ winner of the book of the month title. It was an unexpected title this month, especially when you consider all the titles coming out, but I’m glad, gets me away from my norm and into something new. So lets give a round of applause to The Dark Beneath the Ice
by Amelinda Bérubé. Don’t forget to stay tuned for a whole new selection of titles for September’s Book of the Month title. Happy reading!

The Dark Beneath the Ice

by Amelinda Bérubé (Goodreads Author)

Something is wrong with Marianne.

It’s not just that her parents have split up, or that life hasn’t been the same since she quit dancing. Or even that her mother has checked herself into the hospital.

She’s losing time. Doing things she would never do. And objects around her seem to break whenever she comes close.

Something is after her. But a first attempt at an exorcism calls down the full force of the thing’s rage. It demands Marianne give back what she stole. And Marianne must uncover the truth that lies beneath it all before the nightmare can take what it think it’s owed, leaving Marianne trapped in the darkness of the other side.

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Product Details:

Pub Date: Aug. 7 2018

Page count: 320pp

Age Range: 14 & Over

ISBN: 978-1-4926-5707-1

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

List Price:  $17.99

Get a Copy:

Kindle Store $14.76



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