Fall 2022 LitJoy Crate Unboxing

Check out the unboxing of my Fall 2022 LitJoy Crate subscription! The theme was “Gods and Vikings.” Check out what it’s all about and happy reading! Continue reading Fall 2022 LitJoy Crate Unboxing

A Masterful Collection of Short Stories | Review of ‘Stars Above’ (The Lunar Chronicles #4.5)

By Cynthia Ayala

Stars Above by Marissa MeyerFeiwel & Friends
Stars Above by Marissa Meyer
Feiwel & Friends

Stars Above explores the past and the present in nine short stories about Cinder and her comrades. How Cinder arrive in New Beijing, how Wolf became Wolf, and how Scarlet’s grandmother came into possession of Cinder. Together they tell enchanting stories in the world of Marissa Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles

Published on February 2, 2016, by Feiwel & Friends, Stars Above by Marissa Meyer is a young adult short story collection with nine stories that bridge the past and the present together.
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Weekly Reading List #72

By Cynthia Ayala

Hello there avid readers! So I finally got my Christmas present from my fiancé. What is it? I’m typing on it. It’s a new LAPTOP! And let me just say it works like a charm, I’m not yelling at my laptop to open up my files anymore. It’s a beauty. And I was able to visit my family in Illinois. My god it was cold there. But it was bunches of fun and I love my family. And we had tons of Mexican food. It was a lot of fun being with my family. And I was able to get a lot of reading done.

Which brings me to this! Check out my latest weekly reading list and see what’s up for me.
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Weekly Reading List #71

By Cynthia Ayala

Hey, there avid readers! I hope that everyone is having a wonderful New Year. Hopefully, 2017 will be a better year for everyone. Now that a new year has started I’m going to have to split my time up. I have a book to edit, a book to type, another to write, book reviews to write and books to read. What can I say, other than my fiancé and my kitties, my life revolves around books.

Anyway, check out this reading list right here and see how I’m entering my New Year. Happy reading!
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Top 5 Beauty and the Beast Retelling Must-Reads

By Cynthia Ayala

Calling all Beauty and the Beast fans! The trailer dropped today on Good Morning America for Disney’s upcoming live-action adaptation of their classic animated beauty, Beauty and the Beast. The film, set to release March 17, 2017, and stars Emma Watson as Belle, Dan Stevens as the Beast, and Luke Evans as Gaston.
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A Breathtaking Finale | Review of ‘Winter’ (The Lunar Chronicles #4)

By Cynthia Ayala

Winter by Marissa Meyer
Feiwel and Friends
Image Credit: Goodreads

Winter is the stepdaughter of Queen Levana, hated by her, and loved by the people who remark on her kindness. Winter sees Levana for the monster that she is and vows to stop her, to save her love, her lost princess, and the people she cares for. Together with Cinder and her friends, they hope to start a revolution and win the war for the ultimate peace between Earth and Luna. However, all revolutions come with a cost.

Published on November 10, 2015, Winter is the final novel in Marissa Meyer‘s best-selling young adult series, The Lunar Chronicles printed by Feiwel and Friends.
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Weekly Reading List #40

By Cynthia Ayala

Hello there avid readers, I can’t believe it’s already April. This is last month of this semester. It’s so weird how it always seems like it’s going to feel like it will go on forever, but then it goes by so quickly and the next thing I know, it’s time for me to start packing again, to finish up the last of my semester. It’s so weird how fast time flies. Next thing you know, summer will be over and I’ll be back at school.

It will be nice to enjoy my summer days of sleeping in and working nights at my movie theater. I love my movie theater, I totally need a raise, but as I’ve always said, I’d rather go broke working a job I love with great company and bosses than be miserable. I actually look forward to going to work. Of course, I’m also a night owl so working nights is tons of fun.

But you are not here for that, you are, or maybe you are, but here is my current reading list. As always, synopsis are courtesy of Goodreads.
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A Sad and Wonderful Tale | Review of ‘Fairest’ (The Lunar Chronicles #3.5)

By Cynthia Ayala

Fairest by Marissa Meyer
Feiwel & Friends
Image Credit: Goodreads

Before she was the Queen of Luna, she was just a princess, the forgotten daughter who would never be queen, and would go down in history as nobody. Lost and lonely, she was just a young girl, hopelessly in love with a soldier, smart and with a terrible secret. This is how she became the Evil Queen.

The bridge between Cress and Winter, Fairest is another novel in Marissa Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles series. January 27, 2015, by Feiwel & Friends, this story tells the tale of Queen Levana, the monstrous vindictive Evil Queen of Luna. But her story builds her character and the world where she came from giving readers a fascinating look at who she was before she became how readers know her.
Continue reading “A Sad and Wonderful Tale | Review of ‘Fairest’ (The Lunar Chronicles #3.5)”