Kickstarter Project Starlight Inception Successfully Funded

By: Colin Tan   (@unartifex)

kickstarter-project-starlight-inception-successfully-fundedCheers and confetti all around, as Kickstarter project Starlight Inception has been successfully funded by almost 4,000 backers and $8,000 to spare.

To be specific, the Kickstarter project garnered 3,724 backers throughout its campaign, and was funded a total of $158,152 out of a pledged goal of $150,000.

Three backers pledged $2,500 to the project, and will be rewarded with their likeness integrated into the game complete with their own backstory.

Starlight Inception is being developed by independent studio Escape Hatch Entertainment, led by former LucasArts project lead Garry Gaber. It’s a “realistic and relevant 1st person / 3rd person free-roaming space shooter” for the PC and PlayStation Vita.

Now don’t forget to check out our interview with Garry himself, where he tells us more about Starlight Inception, it’s features and what to expect, as well as its inspiration.

SOURCE: Kickstarter & Gaming Union

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