Bittersweet | Review of ‘Peter Green and the Unliving Academy’ (The Unliving Chronicles, #1)

By Cynthia Bujnicki

Peter Green and the Unliving Academy: This Book is Full of Dead People by Angelina Allsop
TCK Publishing
Image Credit: Goodreads

Peter Green cannot remember how he died. He cannot remember much about his life before death. All he knows is that he is dead and in Purgatory. However, being a child in Purgatory means he is sent to the Unliving Academy with the rest of the children who learn to maneuver around Purgatory without their memories. However, for Peter, it is not that simple. Dreams of his Life begin to haunt him, sending him on his journey to figure out who in Life is in danger and what he can do about it. However, the risks might just cost him his sanity.

Published November 20, 2018, by TCK Publishing Peter Green and the Unliving Academy: This Book is Full of Dead People by Angelina Allsop is the first in the Unliving Chronicles series.

What a fun novel. Peter Green and the Unliving Academy follows young Peer as he wakes up in the afterlife with no memory of how he got there or of who he was or what his life had been like when he was alive. He is a curious character, one who is interesting in finding out who he was before his death and how he got to be in the Afterlife in pajamas and a tie. He is a very respectful character with an adventurous spirit, a character that young readers are going to be able to connect with. There are also his friends as well, some of which are older than himself, but only because they have been dead longer, and some who are new just like him. They are a great knit of characters all of whom balance each other wonderfully. They have different opinions, but they are fun and lighthearted and care deeply about one another in their short time that they learn about each other.

There are some pacing issues with the story as it does falter around chapter 8, but that is only for a little while. It is not that there is anything wrong with the storytelling and narrative; it is just at these points, where the story sort of comes to a stop, the Allsop focuses on world building. It is an exciting world the Afterlife, and Allsop is very respectful in the way she brings it to life, giving it a deeper paranormal edge, but at these points, character development and personality come to a stop.

Overall though, it is a sweet, albeit, sad story, after all, it is about a child who died, but it is a sweet story to share with children, that parents and family can share with kids because the imagination is there. There is a level of comfort and adventure in the narrative and world building that shows readers, no matter the age, that life continues, just in a different way. (★★★★☆ | A-)

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Product Details:

Pub Date: Nov. 2, 2018

Page count: 244pp

Age Range: 8 & Over

ISBN: 978-1-6316-1064-6

Publisher: Tck Publishing

List Price: $14.99

Get a Copy:

Kindle $2.99



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